
79 – Lost Among The Stars

7 Illusion (Necessary Journeys)
9 The Sack (The Universe-Soul)


790) The uncontaminated essence that you seek beyond the Self lies beyond birth and death, beyond ideas, beyond any conceivable essence. It is not possible to practice disciplines which lead beyond; the uncontaminated essence cannot be grasped. Every act is an error. Do not trust what you know; it could cause you to dwell in objective reality and lose the Absolute. To seek anything is to lose time in time, to lose dimensions in space. That which is, is already the Inconceivable Absolute.
791) Don’t think that you are in the right place, it’s the wrong place. Don’t think that you are in the wrong place, it’s the right place. In the first case, you are arrogant and do not learn. In the second, you are humble but do not learn.
792) When you illusorily separate, you divide what is united. When you illusorily unite, you mix air. After the universe, once again, life. What useless efforts are you making?
793) Be careful! It is “your” Universe of Love that commands. But do not force It on the deluded. Children must make mistakes.
794) Observe the marvel of self-delusion in a universe of countless illusions, cradle of Freedom, symbol of infinite freedoms. Where there is stupidity, there is wisdom.
795) Having almost achieved realization, they will never respond if, in the universe, they are no longer slaves to illusion. But, in the beginning, torrents of words. The silence would be an affirmation that they are “at the beginning of the journey.”
796) The Souls of those who, in the universe, seek in the dreams of sentient beings are hidden in temples constructed by limbs, altars to that which is illusory. Expanded in a universe, contracted in a Soul, it is among the things that appear and then disappear. That which does not appear remains.
797) In reality, there is no illusion that separates sentient beings. Along the path, what you say and what you do is united. Only foolish vipers insinuate separation. They speak of their own selves, in a universe which they perceive as an enemy.
798) Nothing oppresses a universe, all ties are illusory. No event oppresses a sentient being, all bonds disappear. The external closures push sentient beings into the infinite spaces of being and non-being within them.
799) One step and then another one. Already a place to smile and give light to the universe you are experiencing, and to the next one which you will experience.