
63 – Fulfilled

6 The Gate, The Gates (The Soul)
3 The Seeker Of Spiritual Realization (Awareness Of The Eternal)


630) All the words in the world, a grain of sand. All the thoughts in the world, a breath of wind. Movements of selves, clouds believed to be love. A gesture of Love, a movement in the Void, an Eternal sign. How can one not seek beyond, to reach the place where one contains without possessing?
631) The three mirrors are exits, they do not lead within. All their fragmentations create the flashes which are the “selves.”
632) One moment, you know, another moment, you don’t know. You believe to have grasped something and raise yourself. But be careful! All things eventually precipitate. The destination is the halfway point, between knowing and not knowing, without grasping.
633) Those who direct their love to their enemies will one day be the target of their enemies’ love.
634) Awakened beings do not try to change human nature. Having discovered the natural greatness of the sentient being within themselves, they guide sentient beings, without artifice, to their Fundamental and Essential Nature.
635) Any reason for decelerating or accelerating your search for the Way is always inner purity. Water is always the same, from the source to the waterfall.
636) The just path is the love of your mind and the thought of your Soul. They are steps which do not take place one after the other; they are simultaneous. They are not separated, they embrace one another.
637) Prayer heals, meditation conquers ignorance. Contemplation gives you over to the Absolute, to the Creator, to God, no matter if you are sick or ignorant. Then you delude yourself to have obtained something. Remember, all is already perfect and complete in the Absolute. Or did you want to give the Absolute advice with your prayers?
638) Firmly grasp non-attachment to form. The waiting dies and you will live, immobile, the immense movement.
639) Can the chiaroscuros of words illuminate the light of a Soul? When from the darkness one reaches the light. Only the Absolute, from the darkness, creates the light of a universe.