
59 – Eternal Presences

5 The Path Begins (The Intuited Path)
9 The Sack (The Universe-Soul)


590) Even at their first step, those who are one with the universe carry the silence of spaces of candid beauty with them. The Pure Emptiness of their non-being is already the memory before being.
591) Like those who seek, immersed in the illusory beginning, the universe experiences the sum of the illusions of sentient beings and the Reality of those who know.
592) For those who begin to follow the path, the stars in the sky are eternal. But the stars die out. For those who follow the Way, the entire universe is the flash of a Divine Moment.
593) What is the meaning of life? It is what each sentient being gives to it, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is unknown to all others. To translate it into sounds or thoughts, to write of it, to speak of it or express it through art only furnishes it with the meanings of those who interpret it; they are no longer the original meanings. Remember that every life lies in the Way. The earth is the ship, the port lies in the universe and within every sentient being. We all sing in the Divine chorus, each one with His voice and their own.
594) Know this truth; the journey lies in the wheel. The point of departure will become the point of arrival. The wheel will be used up and only at the hub, the pivot, will you comprehend the Eternal.
595) What harmony not knowing, while comprehending that you must learn for an eternity of universes.
596) That which appears to be impermanent is not Love, that which does not appear but which remains, is Love.
597) The darkness which pervades those who blindly believe is called light. Faith, heresy, creed: words to use in order to reinforce the blindness of their “selves.” They present an evil as a higher good.
598) You will try to become the Ruler of the world, but you will be no one in the universe. If you could, you would possess the entire universe, but you would be no one in infinity. Why destroy the possibility of realizing the true Self in order to possess something just for a moment?
599) In the next universe, you will think that you are in the only universe, but – do you think that every day is the only day? Maybe that’s a bit …true. Could it be that reality is One Totality?