
48 – The Peak, The Abyss

4 The Sage (Apparent Knowledge)
8 Seeking The Form (Freedom-Prison)


480) Nothing Eternal can be grasped by what is not eternal. Those who construct temples lead people to believe the opposite.
481) Primitives must construct temples, the necessary prehistory of the search for spiritual realization.
482) There is no small wheel or large wheel. They all have the same pivot and play the same beat. The lives of those whose minds are deluded are based on dreams, just as their wheels are based on dreams. Those who live in the Center do not dream. They play the beat in stillness.
483) Each form is precious. A sad deception for those who make it their burden, a joy for those who use it.
484) Religions cannot be created from the words of the sages. Their words are known, like Spirit and Soul, but cannot be used to create bricks for temples.
485) Those who pray and revile those who do not, who show their book and call others profane, who believe themselves saved and condemn others, are fools. Deluded by their own selves, they don’t know how to look within. Their anger is the beginning of their damnation.
486) Form has countless flavors, but it never satiates. The inner garden has only one tree, but it fills infinity with its fruit.
487) All forms contains other forms. They are similar and at the same time not similar. If you have one sole attachment, you are bound to a link in the unlimited chain of illusion. No attachment, no chain.
488) The blind at heart who claim to profess absolute truths produce eyes of hate. Their god is in their eyes, and they surround themselves with shadows.
489) Those who profess the existence of only one universe turn infinity into an atom, to construct the temple of their own powers.