
13 – Triad (Trinity, Divinity And Illusion)

1 The One Who Seeks (The Created Being)
3 The Seeker Of Spiritual Realization (Awareness Of The Eternal)


130) Existence is a reflection, flashes of the first Light of the Source.
131) The evolutionary trajectories of the three mirrors, whether concave or convex, reflect light in one point or in infinite points. These energies, whether or not thoughts, merge in the One.
132) From the roots, the sap flows through the trunk to the branches, leaves, fruits. Multiple tastes. That which is manifested flows out from the One, to the two, to the three. The fruits carry the seed of new roots.
133) Thought is the fruit of the mind, the mind is one of the three mirrors. It believes itself to be the origin of every root, and creates faith in the self. The self fragments, and loses the One.
134) Liberate the selves, become harmonious. Equilibrium renders one sublime. The sublime identifies itself and unites with the Light which gives life to the aligned mirrors.
135) Every self is illusion and separation; that which discriminates, separates. The manifestation is the continuity of the mental self. Separate yourself from it. Ignore your self. Impediments increase as you progress along the path and give in to your selves.
136) Spoken words, written words, temples and prayers serve the three mirrors. Impenetrable, the silent canticle of your Soul is the One Sacred Truth. All else can be penetrated, it is the human game.
137) One and Threefold. There is a false center, to be the three mirrors. One sole illusion. One and Three, One Center. No secrets in the evidence of the splendor of the Divine Light.
138) Awareness of form is the freedom which allows one to proceed. No part of creation should be rejected if love is the energy of acceptance.
139) Seek in a universe and you will find an atom of the Absolute. Seek within yourself and you will find the Absolute.