
96 – Seemingly Content And Container

9 The Sack (The Universe-Soul)
6 The Gate, The Gates (The Soul)


960) No constructed divinity will seize the Void, if not in God. His creatures are His hand that grasps itself.
961) Each single sentient being is the Essence of All Things. Alone, each being moves, due to the illusion of separation. Due to their form, sentient beings can believe or not believe in different values and different thoughts. All will terminate in the Empty Container and the Gates of Access to the Absolute will begin the New Canticle.
962) Manifest and occult. Beyond the frontiers, these substances become totality. When totality is explained, it necessarily loses itself and becomes details. Vibration is a part, but always and in any case part of All Things.
963) Flights in the Eternal, Divine Form, Wings of the Creation of the Absolute. You, form in flight, universes… the walls of separation collapse… the Light that never went out, that you carried within, becomes an apparent path in the darkness for others who, already Light, live in obscurity.
964) Seek your wisdom in the infinite space within you. Your being passes through the universe that will disappear, your non-being passes through the timeless infinity. Trace a thought in time like a half-line which originates in Infinity. Interrupt being, leave your Soul the space where there are no traces. This is the Key to the Way.
965) Propagate yourself infinitely in every direction. Become what you are. More than Love, you will become a gift of wisdom, and all uses of the appropriate method. Thanks to all the sentient beings that you meet, you will be incarnated in the beings who will help them. But you will always believe in what you do not know. It is the direction of your path.
966) The communion between the Soul and the universe is the Silent Canticle of Love.
967) To qualify, to define, to quantify, is to imagine names for All Things. But, in reality, you are giving It a false identity, by separating It from the Truth.
968) There is no particle in the universe that does not know the vibration, Love.
969) Believe only in the universe of Love that lies both within you and outside of you. But the Divine Word is the substance between all universes, and the substance of the infinite non-created. There, the source of your Soul and the Souls of all others. Threshold, Gate to He Who created the universes for infinite beings, contained in what seems to be the Container.