
92 – The Beginning Of Sack

9 The Sack (The Universe-Soul)
2 The Origin Of Sentient Being (Duality)


920) Nothingness and Void, imperfect because it is Space-Project. The first moment is already All Things; it is form and illusion. Disharmony begins, and foretells of the search for Harmonious Perfection.
921) The shot arrow is already in its target.
922) Are you awaiting a new origin, tired of the presence? Pass through yourself, transparent. Illuminate your Way and your presence will be both presence and origin.
923) You will find the road in the footprints you have still not made. Your path has reached the point of departure/arrival. Each time, the infinity you wandered in was your round universe.
924) The hand that closes the sack maintains the fullness and the void. It serves the memory of the content. It uses the energy of Love. It drags the void behind itself, the void which cancels traces but contains events.
925) Beyond what has been said, without footprints to follow due to the “patient expectation of the non-created” – begin in the sack, begin the journey. That which has not yet been created awaits your footprints.
926) Only when the mind is still can one achieve the First Realization. Only in the timeless intuited awareness can one proceed towards illumination. Only in the Soul, Unique Absent Presence, does awakening come near. Beyond that lies the Nameless.
927) You will face new illusory paths with your ignorance. Don’t boast of your chaotic vision, your lack of knowledge, claiming to be “spontaneous.” The foolish declare: “the true self lies in the simple things in life.” They are simple; simple-minded! Investigate, study, seek, evolve – find other words for the complexity. Use it up and become what you are, Divine Nature.
928) Form generates noise. The silence of the form will permit you to hear it. If you are unable to silence it, occupy its space with your silence.
929) Countless Souls converge at the Source of form, the Point… from there a kind of universe is born. The sum of the countless directions determines form. Subtle energies become rough and mortal cages. This is the Freedom which He Who Is Timeless Truth desired to express in the world of form.