
82 – The Freedom Of The Creation

8 Seeking The Form (Freedom-Prison)
2 The Origin Of Sentient Being (Duality)


820) Countless movements come forth from the Absolute Stillness. A Point of Origin sustains all form that lies on that point. From that point all form is free from the Void.
821) The fool, free from the Void, prisoner of form, plays at his illusory “greatness,” giving himself names of kings, popes, emperors, princes and other similar vanities. He follows a path “free from creation,” but is prisoner of moments of nothingness.
822) You took duality to be an obligation. Black and white have blinded you, full and empty have caused you to become lost, sacred and profane have caused you to hate. You live of form and wish to condemn others to your belief. Live your freedom and leave others free, as you are.
823) You believe paths to be “obligations” and you travel them carrying weights, like a prisoner. They are only apparent selves (identities) that you are already free of, without knowing it.
824) All events are just, they are freedom. Without any conceptions? Freedom or ignorance? Awareness or imprisonment? What wisdom do you wish to nourish yourself with?
825) Confusion lies in the mind. It is the journey of freedom. To vacillate, oscillate, change your mind, is good. It shows that you are proceeding. Those who are at a standstill do not oscillate. Those who declare: “that’s just the way I am” are fools. What a pity, they are so mesmerized by their selves. How marvelous, they are free.
826) The day of illusion and form is the night of the Soul. Love lies in the obscurity. The night of the mind is the day of the Spirit. The sunset of thought is the dawn of intuition. All events occur in all places. There is always time for light and darkness. The Great Secret lies in the middle way.
827) Religions come forth from the words of prophets. When the prophets used words in the proper way, they donated them to those who gathered them and used them, in improper ways.
828) Freedom is “free” in the world of form. Therefore it is the Truth.
829) Here is the Universal Truth. Creatures of the Creator, we come into the world of form thanks to the Freedom of Universal Love, free in the world of duality. If we were not able to choose, as instead the infinite variety of form permits, how could we say “the Freedom of Creation”?