
60 – Only On One Side (Great Equality)

6 The Gate, The Gates (The Soul)
0 Memories from the Void (from the Absolute)


600) Each request made to the Absolute passes through the Soul. Each time an answer, the same answer! One answer, one for each sentient being.
601) It is through what we are that we can transcend what we are. This is our only problem.
602) You begin to follow the path with the idea of being, and then the idea of non-being. Don’t you know that the Soul is the threshold within the dichotomy and simultaneously contains both directions?
603) The enlightened are such when: they don’t recognize themselves, they don’t recognize others, they rarely believe themselves to be the saviors of something, they neither raise themselves up nor believe themselves to be superior. They begin with the power of water, they flow to the lower places to quench thirsts and give life. They are clear and alert, and learn without intention. They shine with the Light of the Absolute; they are children, they are old. In the heart that is already united, essence and perfume of a flower/universe that is being born.
604) The master rejects those who yearn for him in an exaggerated manner, and accepts those who love him in the same way they love others. He responds to those who are silent, he remains in silence though speaking.
605) You begin on one side and you end up in the other side that “created the Beginning.” The Soul, which originates in the Absolute, begins to follow its path in illusion and form in order to seek Itself.
606) Infinite Gates suspended in the Infinite Void propose the idea of God. Infinite ideas of God are nothing. The Void faces the one Gate.
607) It is easy for the deluded to negate the Soul and negate the Void. Full of themselves, they continue to fill themselves with more illusion. This is their way of searching.
608) For now, the heart is the symbol of love, of the Soul. For now, it can be placed in a space, for now… let primitive people have the experience of personal possessions.
609) The perfect distance between the individual Soul and the Universal Soul – the distance between you and the end of the universe, zero space.