
6 – The Gate, The Gates (The Soul)


60) On the side of the Absolute, one. If It so desires, infinite.
61) You will perceive that you have one Gate. The Gates are infinite, but only the Absolute can permit your vision of this.
62) Those who consider themselves unique and special will be crushed by their own closing doors. The Point contains everything, inside and outside. Don’t try to place yourself in the “best” center.
63) Be careful when you take the Vow! The vaster the path which leads you to “your self,” the narrower your Gate. Make yourself small. Learning and seeking will not cause your heart to grow.
64) Beware of the tales told by one who accompanies you. Only one who truly knows you can accompany you. And only He knows you.
65) In order to pass through, a sacrifice: the sacrifice of the self. In order to reach the destination, infinite directions. But, one step away, there is only one direction. When you reach that point, don’t turn back.
66) A Gate suspended in infinity, called the Soul.
67) The bigger you make yourself, the smaller your “Gate” will appear. Accept this advice, make yourself small. The Origin cannot have “big” and “small.”
68) You sought outside of yourself. But All is within!
69) Only when the sun rises are shadows born, and the sentient being comes to know the difference between events in the universe and the Self. No wind moves the shadows.