
56 – It Is What You Already Are, Yet You Seek It

5 The Path Begins (The Intuited Path)
6 The Gate, The Gates (The Soul)


560) If, at the beginning your path, you knew how to maintain your mind that does not know, you would already possess the silence you are seeking. There lies your origin, the Void.
561) Seekers of spiritual realization without a master begin their search with their own mortal identities, because they feel the lack of the eternal.
562) Oscillate to proceed along your path, but follow the central point. Duality lies between Trinity and Oneness.
563) Learn to benefit from those who cause you damage and harm. They are their own hell, but your masters of strength and patience. If you hate them, you become like them and so participate in the cycle of hatred. All determinations are words of illusory knowledge, because they originate in the self.
564) The Master of the Gate desires nothing. Follow him! In order to run away from the false, he runs from everyone. Only those who follow him will find themselves.
565) To know the Way, to be in harmony, is not to possess something to give. Finally free from every weight, one commits oneself to supporting others. Those who effortlessly carry their own selves can truly sustain others.
566) If two sentient beings begin to follow the path in a loving embrace, they will follow the path embraced in infinity; they are one. They have never been and never will be separated. Those who “reach” the Absolute “began” without time.
567) The Way cannot be understood by those who do not live and experience their Essential and Fundamental Nature. Those who, deluded by their minds, believe to comprehend the Way, confuse mud with pure water.
568) Forms of love and symbols of peace are found in the wars between peoples and religions. Wars of ideas and small truths are declared to be great ones. The power of love always works against illusions and forms of crude energy. “Masters of the Way and of life, courage. Freedom should be respected!”
569) The Absolute sings the Canticle of Eternal Harmonies. Let the shrieking of crows be Its chorus – they will not be able to change the Perfection of the Divine Song.