
42 – Synthetic Harmony

4 The Sage (Apparent Knowledge)
2 The Origin Of Sentient Being (Duality)


420) The sage follows the countless paths in creation while remaining still. He does not run from the weight of the worlds. Having no self, he feels no weight. Every choice is just, every path is the Way which leads to the Absolute, and the Absolute leads to the Logos.
421) Freedom leads to the rainbow which lies after the rain of creation. Peace can be found in the fragments of unified light. Within, the light of the stars. The dream, now outside itself, placates the surrounding galaxies.
422) You, created from water and earth, are simply the doormat of the temple within you. You are serving your illusory body while forgetting the temple, the Truth.
423) In peace with the self and with the non-self, he is himself and all else. An angel, no longer separated: the bow, the arrow, the target.
424) The sentient being and the creation become one conscious entity, a single vibration, one heart in various universes. At the source, the Word is mouth and water united in an eternal loving kiss, sun and moon, one light, one eye.
425) The freedom to act in any direction allows each person to choose their actions. Though it plans the journey, evolution maintains free fragments of suffering.
426) To originate in the Void, through a Point. Here we are, already returned, to learn that the reason Love separates itself from the Void is love. Only in this way do the words “God’s freedom” become “sentient beings.”
427) Those who have conceived Oneness from duality experience illusion as illusion.
428) Before creation, without mirrors, it is the same. After creation, beyond the mirrors, it is the same. The last want to be the first and the first want to be the last, it is the same.
429) The sage knows the beginning and the end of the universe. But from the very beginning, he unites them in one sensation, the Absolute.