
31 – Change

3 The Seeker Of Spiritual Realization (Awareness Of The Eternal)
1 The One Who Seeks (The Created Being)


310) You illuminated the path behind you. In this way, you realized how much you had walked in the darkness. Now in the light, you see obstacles and the shadows of what you blamed on others, instead of blaming your own eyes. When you see with one eye only, you will see the Invisible.
311) Leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds fell from God’s Garden onto your path, but in the darkness you trampled on them, believing them to be your adversities.
312) The foolish are energetic and boast of their limitations. The crafty construct themselves with debris they believe to be gold. Those who have nothing to give are greedy for power. Maybe it was necessary to tire oneself out in order to gather. At last, this burden has been lost. Those who are nude have been born, and in this way return to Him.
313) You were projected towards something that you are now. The steps of illusion lead to you, then to the Absolute. Then It takes you back to yourself.
314) All that you separated was not separated, all that you put together was already united. You had two legs, but limped; one was wisdom, the other love. What toil to forget this, what joy to finally use them together.
315) You will begin to follow the path with “selves in the darkness.” That is as it should be!
316) Those who possess nothing within desire external possessions. But what is external is a sterile nothingness. When they awaken, they possess the Higher Self. Universal Souls, they finally possess the Void which contains.
317) There are no longer many shadows, but be careful: gratification is obscurity, a relapse of the self.
318) What you think you are is not what you are, you perceive it as the walls and bricks of the self. If you observe them, beyond uniting and separating, you do not perceive them. Therefore, they do not exist.
319) The smile of the void which is filled with love is the true experience of the sentient being in a universe.