
3 – The Seeker Of Spiritual Realization (Awareness Of The Eternal)


30) That which is unlimited form is empty inside, full outside. This is the Origin.
31) Nothing is impenetrable, nothing is penetrable. Listen, perceive, go beyond that… there is no secret without thought.
32) Stop speculating about blame, meritorious acts, identity, and so on, be they past, present, or future. From the shadow to the light, that which is, is. Don’t play word games with those who harm you nor with those who help you, both are masters of your enlightenment.
33) When you no longer assign values to yourself, you will have become those values, and will no longer speak of them. Those who speak of their worth speak of what they lack. The force lies in the profundity, it is what originates in the Void, before the dawn.
34) The Eternal Nature which lies within you is Threefold; immobile, it never stops moving. The apparent movement in the seven directions is the Divine Breath in the sole direction of Stillness.
35) You will run after ghosts, and the only result will be the darkness of mental worlds.
if you make One of duality,
if your inner light is external
if your Superior being is inferior
if all that which is manifested is the same to you,
then there will be no end and no beginning.
The One Truth will lie in your heart.
Your heart will be like the heart of a child. You will be light but you will not burn the world. You will be truth, but remember: people will fight over it, and thus obscure it. People will steal it, and the Truth will become silence.
You will live in eternity, you will transcend time, you will dwell in the Most High. But for love, you will descend into the world.
36) The world cannot be penetrated by thoughts, but it can be penetrated by love.
37) If the selves are made up of the mind and the mental body, and the self is the source of dissatisfaction, render this source arid. Put it to rest.
38) Render the source of the selves arid, so that all their interests become satisfied. If these interests are important to you, they will increase, submerge and suffocate you in an oblivion without a path.
39) You will be: food for the hungry and water for the thirsty. You will demonstrate the opposite of what others desire. You will teach the void to the sage of form, and you will teach form to the sage of the void. You will accompany those who are alone, and you will furnish an example of solitude to the multitudes. Your solitude will be the dwelling of the Eternal.
You will be everything, though possessing nothing
You will be the child of all mothers.
You will be part of those who hate you and part of those who love you
You will be the wind which whips at them.
You will be the water which cleanses them.
You will be the air they breathe.
You will be the emptiness in which they live.
You will also be capable of not being, and therefore nothing of what I have said.
When you no longer have a name, you will be a Loving Presence for all sentient beings.