
2 – The Origin Of Sentient Being (Duality)


20) You follow lines in infinity, in the void, not knowing who you are. Nevertheless, your being lives of the Sound which is the canticle of the Eternal.
21) The One created two, of the two It makes One.
22) He who is Internal and External and Superior produces that which is inferior. Then… no longer two, nor internal, nor external, nor superior, nor inferior, but One.
23) One is the same thing as one, even if it is a Trinity.
24) You are what you eat, you are what you drink. If you nourish yourself with He who never dies, you will be eternal “love; there will be no constrictions, no obligations, no thoughts; therefore no mind. The One Truth, and you will “become that from which you came.
25) One, the Point. Two, energy. Time, mass, the sky. The void fills up. The fullness explodes. Wind, hot rock, cold rock, me, you, our friends, our enemy; hate. Then love. Even more love to those who need it, first to the two, then to who is Love, the One.
26) Thoughts obscure that; act lovingly, before thought is formed.
27) Your eternal nature lives beyond your selves. Your selves are infinite and they provide you with infinite interpretations, just as all things in the universe are seen from infinite points of view. But all things are Him. Say His name; don’t be afraid to speak of “love” to those who hate you. They were with you in the point.
28) Become the light of the dawn of the universe and give that light to the darkness. The darkness withdraws at the speed of light upon its arrival.
29) Those who come close to intuiting the origin perceive its power. They are awed into silence by the realization that each separate path leads to All Things, which is the Center of every path.