
12 – Duality (From The Creative Silence)

1 The One Who Seeks (The Created Being)
2 The Origin Of Sentient Being (Duality)


120) Nothing is taken away, nothing is given. The Void is filled, what is full will be emptied. But One has been, is and will be.
121) Any existence in form will be repeated. The One Is, will return to be It, and will carry you along in Its game of becoming.
122) All discriminations support the reasoning of the knowing and of the unknowing.
123) If you discriminate in order to comprehend the world, divisions will take you away from comprehension. The higher number is within you, the lower numbers outside.
124) Being and non-being, knowing and not knowing: it is the One within you which permits this difference. High and low are differences that reveal the fragments of the manifold, but indicate the Oneness.
125) If you place yourself among those who divide the Truth, you are nothing but a witness to your own stupidity. Believing to be whole, you are nothing but pieces which walk with other people’s legs. Only you can walk with your legs.
126) Steps in the two directions of form and non-form alter positions in the karmic destiny. But alignment returns. Apparent movement but true stasis, realizable in Divine Love.
127) The verses which contain the number two create a plane, don’t incline it within yourself. Otherwise you will lose faith in the One and precipitate within yourself.
128) If you do not look inward, you will precipitate in what is external. The two forces, centrifugal and centripetal, balanced on the plane which is not inclined lead to the One.
129) Make whole what has been separated. Two cannot separate itself from One, inside cannot separate from outside, nor true from false, just from unjust, harmony from disharmony, subject from object, sentient being from Divine, sacred from profane. Those who separate do not understand; they rob and kill, hate and condemn. Precisely because they separate, they are able to separate themselves from the universe.