
11 – Towards The One (Negated Individuality)

1 The One Who Seeks (The Created Being)
1 The One Who Seeks (The Created Being)


110) There is One Place, infinite directions, and one Gate which leads to two places. One place is no place. The other part is not a part, it is the Way.
111) Your mind sees before your eyes do. It creates its dream by realizing itself.
112) Your mind perceives your intuition. It even creates an idea of emptiness based on the truth. Be careful! The Truth exists before every creation.
113) If your thirst is quenched by the face reflected in the water, your thirst is quenched by an appearance. This will never satisfy the thirst for the Absolute.
114) Every face you see, every person you meet is One with Him after the Gate. Each Gate separates, each Gate unites.
115) The True Vision is without eyes. Its time is the blinking of an eye, Its first time like the other times to come. Its flavor, before It has been tasted. Later… memories.
116) In you, in others, pain and joy, ignorance and knowledge. Love is the final compassion of the first. All this occurs in time, but One in form with One in the Void.
117) Your solitude will not be cured by the multitudes. You will obtain nothing from the external paths, and you will be nothing. Overcome ignorance and examine yourself.
118) The manifestation is one and manifold, it fulfills itself being alive. It expresses itself, it consumes itself, it satisfies itself in ending. It continues to seek its life in death, but this indefinable illusion is Its Oneness.
119) Unending notes in being and non-being. Its key is one, in becoming. The chorus of awareness dominates the universe.