
1 – The One Who Seeks (The Created Being)


10) Stripped of the clothes which cover you, you will show yourself without affirming, without negating, without an outside, without an inside. In truth, you will be beyond the moment, beyond eternity. You are the created being.
11) You will negate and affirm what you have been, what you are, what you have known, what you still do not know.
12) You long for the universe, but will admire Its presence within yourself.
13) If, before you find yourself, you operate in the world fluctuating between inside and outside, you will wander with your darkness in the obscurity of things.
14) Those who find themselves before they find the world, will recognize that it is not different from their own selves.
15) If you are not the mind, what is your thought? If you are blind, what are you looking at? Where are you, if you continue to look for yourself and cannot find yourself? Every answer, every path which does not lead, which does not serve as a guide, is already in you.
16) Each path which a sentient being follows is the weight which each being carries, but what is inside is not outside. Therefore, no path if not Love. The certainty of Love will remove all illusions. Do not try to seize something outside of yourself. There are no hands within, you are in a complete embrace with He Who is Peace and Infinity.
17) Your inner darkness will obscure the surrounding light. Believing itself to be dense, your self will surround itself with ephemeral lights, increasing your inner darkness.
18) Each life contains universes, every eon, moments of life. Memory lies in the moment. Go beyond, to the Eternal. Nothing of what you have known is eternal, yet it makes up the eternal. Admire everything within yourself, without the axis of time.
19) Those who lose every self will become so subtle that, to them, inside and outside, themselves and the world, the entire universe, becomes one and the same.